Peppermint and Eucalyptus 8 oz Soy wax candle with a crystal at the bottom
Peppermint and Eucalyptus 8 oz Soy wax candle with a crystal at the bottom
Indigo Cruz Creations

Peppermint and Eucalyptus 8 oz Soy wax candle with a crystal at the bottom

Regular price $20.00

8 oz Soy Wax Candle hand poured by me with a surprise crystal at the bottom!

Let it burn, get a crystal in return!

Rousing and restorative, you’ll feel fresher the moment you activate this dynamite duo that will blow your congestion away. Breathe easier and deeper as this powerful pair washes over your hallways and satisfyingly soothes your airways. Feel light and tingly once again in the presence of these helpful herbs that will gently assist you in gliding smoothly through the day.

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